A r c h i v a l P a p e r s
G i c l é e Fine art editions in which waterbased inks are applied to paper using a precise digital capture of the original image. Giclée prints are known for their brilliant color range and the details and subtleties they capture. Iris© prints are often referred to as Giclee prints. Giclee (zhee-clay) is a French term meaning "spray of ink." An Iris © printer creates images by spraying one million droplets of ink per second through each of its four nozzles. An Iris © digital print has an apparent resolution of 1,800 dpi, which is higher than a traditional lithographic print and has a greater color range than serigraphy. Mission Art Press' newest Iris© Giclée editions take advantage of this technology. L i t h o g r a p h i c P r i n t Print artwork that is based on the water-repellent properties of oil-based inks. Lithography involves applying these inks to a dampened image-bearing plate that is then pressed onto paper. Offset Lithography is a type of high-volume commercial print designed for the reproduction of thousand of sheets of paper. Plates are made by an electro-mechanical process wherein the image is offset from a metal plate onto a rubber blanket and onto the sheet. "Graduation Day Santa Clara" is an offset lithographic edition. A r c h i v a l I n k s Specialized inks used in fine arts printmaking that have been optimized for the relevant printmaking technique, desired saturation and longevity. A r c h i v a l P a p e r s Papers
used in fine art printmaking that have textured surfaces and extra-heavy
weight. These papers are particularly accepting of print making inks
and paints for contrast, color saturation and image longevity. The Mission
Art Press Limited Iris Editions are printed on Somerset Velvet Radiant
White 100% cotton, neutral pH, mould-made fine art paper. Independent
testing carried out by Wilhelm
Imaging Research, Inc. shows ongoing test results for this medium.
"Graduation Day Santa Clara" is an edition printed on 100%
cotton, neutral pH, machine-made paper.
A c i d - F r e eA designation for paper with a pH value of 7 or greater based on the acidity-alkali scale of 0-14). Using acid-free matboards and backings prevent yellowish-brown acid burn lines from appearing on your artwork over time. E d i t i o n s A printing of many images from one master work. Open editions are typically not numbered and have no maximum number to be issued. Limited editions are numbered in succession with a predetermined number of prints. |
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